Legacy of War Foundation CEO Giles Duley appointed as United Nations Global Advocate

Giles Duley and Dmitriy, a photographer injured by a shell while serving in Ukraine

“When I set out twenty years ago to document the impact of war, I said I was not a photojournalist, rather I was an ‘angry man with a camera’. It was clear civilians were most impacted by modern conflicts, yet their voices were still unrepresented. Most specifically I wanted to show the impact of war on individuals and communities told through the stories of those living in its aftermath: the legacy of war.

Ten years ago, I was injured myself while documenting the war in Afghanistan. Despite suffering life changing injuries to an IED (Improvised Explosive Device), I was fortunate enough to receive the best medical care and support in rebuilding my life. Most civilians injured in conflict are not as fortunate and are unable to live their lives to their full potential. Therefore, I believe there is no point saving a life if you don’t give someone their life back. Every civilian left disabled by conflict should have the right to appropriate medical treatment, rehabilitation, psychological support, and support rebuilding their lives.

My own personal journey has through fate intertwined with the stories of those I document, but my injuries, rather than stop me, have given me greater resolve. The challenges and pain I deal with each day have become my own personal rallying call: if my work results in one less civilian injury, one less innocent person having to share my experience, then my work will have been worthwhile.

Giles and the NGO Casers team operating our ambulance in Ukraine

It’s an honor to see my work recognized by the UN in this appointment, but my work has always been to amplify the voices of others, and so this appointment honors all their stories. In my role I serve them all, and I will continue being a conduit for their stories, advocating for all civilians left disabled by war and stand for them in their search for justice and the support that is their right.

I am also aware of the lack or representation of persons with disabilities in the humanitarian sector. While we are often the story, we are rarely the storyteller; I hope my appointment is indicative of greater change. It is important that all organizations that work with marginalized communities build greater diversity in their own teams. In war those with disabilities are often represented as victims, denied equality in humanitarian support, and excluded from peace processes. It is time for change. And if we work together, we have the strength and opportunity to create that change.”

Statement from Giles Duley, December 2022

This week, our CEO and founder Giles Duley has been announced as the first United Nations Global Advocate for persons with disabilities in conflict and peacebuilding situations.

Giles and Aya, a young Syrian refugee with spina bifida

The Global Advocate role speaks to the immediate and long-term needs and rights of persons injured in conflict and living with disabilities in conflict and peacebuilding situations, including those affected by explosive ordnance. The United Nations Secretary-General has stated: “There are more than one billion people with disabilities in the world. Realizing their rights is a matter of justice and investment in our common future. It is also central to realizing the core promise of the 2030 Agenda to leave no one behind.”

The formal appointment took place simultaneously at UNHQ in NYC, and in Kyiv, Ukraine, where Giles is visiting our local partners. His trip will take him to recently liberated areas of the country, where he will join our partners Fight for Right and NGO Casers as they undertake specialised evacuations of individuals with complex needs using our Legacy of War Foundation ambulance. Find out more about our work with marginalised communities impacted by the war on our Ukraine Crisis Response page.